• Q – Where can I find the Campton Town Ordinances?
    • A list of Campton Town Ordinances is available online by Clicking Here

  • Q – How do I request an accident report?
    • Accident reports may be obtained through the NH Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles at 23 Hazen Drive Concord, NH.  Click Here for a request form.  They can also be reached at (603) 227-4040.

  • Q – How do I apply for a house alarm permit?
    • All alarm systems which report the detection of unauthorized intrusion, robbery, low temperature or other emergencies by use of off-premises reporting shall be registered with the Chief of Police. Download and complete the Town of Campton NH Alarm Ordinance & Application (pdf). The first occurrence of a false alarm is free, however a second response within a six-month period is $10.00. The third through sixth false alarm(s) within a six-month period shall be charged at the rate of $25.00 per occurrence. After six of more false alarms – the Chief of Police may suspend the permit to operate an alarm.

  • Q – How do I request criminal record information?
    • Apply in person at New Hampshire State Police Headquarters – 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH (with picture I.D.) or download the NH Criminal History Check . Mail in the application (to address above) notarized by either a Notary Public or Justice of the Peace. A release to a third party requires a similar notarization and a third party signature. There is a $15.00 fee. Your motor vehicle history can be obtained by using a Release of Motor Vehicle Records.

  • Q – How do I obtain a New Hampshire Pistol Permit?
    • As you may have learned, the State of NH has removed the requirement to obtain a Pistol License to carry a concealed handgun or pistol as of February 22, 2017. A resident may still apply for a license if they choose to, but it is not required in the state. The cost is $10 and is good for five (5) years, expiring on the month of the bearer’s birth date.  Click here for an application.

  • Q – How do I request a copy of a report?
    • Submit a request in writing using the form found by Clicking Here. Reports may be picked up in person or released via email whenever possible, all other requests are sent via US Mail. Juvenile or Privacy info may be redacted as allowed by law.  Standard reports are $20 or $1.00 per page, whichever is greater. Payment made in cash or check is expected at time of request, except for RSA 91-A requests which will have invoices sent.

  • Q – Where can I get a gunlock?
    • The Campton Police Department has free gunlocks courtesy of the Department of Justice’s Project Child Safe. Anyone can come to the station during normal business hours and pick up a free lock!

  • Q – What is”VIN verification”?
    • The Campton Police Department, at the request of the owner of a vehicle, will inspect the motor vehicle, trailer, or vessel for a vehicle identification number (v.i.n.). The form for this verification may be downloaded here or picked up from the NH Department of Motor Vehicles or the Campton Town Clerk. The Campton Police Officer will document the v.i.n. and return the form so that the vehicle may be registered.

  • Q – How loud can the neighbors be before the police will make them quiet down?
    • The Town of Campton does not have a local noise ordinance and so may only enforce state law. The law, RSA 644:2 (Disorderly Conduct) is rather large, but in relevant part states that a person commits Disorderly Conduct when s/he, “purposely causes a breach of the peace, public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk thereof, by making loud or unreasonable noises in a public place, or making loud or unreasonable noises in a private place which can be heard in a public place or other private places, which noises would disturb a person of average sensibilities…”


  • Q – Where is the court?
    • The Town of Campton is in the Plymouth District. The courthouse is located at 26 Green Street, Plymouth, NH. The phone number to the court is 1-855-212-1234.

  • Q – What happens the first time I go to court?
    • If you (or an acquaintance) has been ordered to appear to court, you have been most likely given a date and the time of 8:30 am to appear. That is for an arraignment. At arraignment, you will appear in front of the judge and enter a plea of “guilty” or “not guilty”. You will be given time prior to seeing the judge to speak with the Prosecutor regarding the fine or sentence recommendations. If you plead “guilty”, the court will expect you to pay the fine while you are there. If you want to plead guilty but do not have the money, the court will give you a date to return for a sentencing hearing. If you plead “not guilty”, the judge will tell you what date and time to come back for trial. If you have been charged with a crime that could result in imprisonment and you cannot afford an attorney, you will be offered an application to acquire a court-appointed lawyer. Bail will also be discussed at this point.

  • Q – I have been subpoenaed. What does that mean?
    • If you have been served with a document entitled “Subpoena”, that means you are ordered to appear at the court designated on the subpoena at a certain date and time. Subpoenas are usually served to witnesses of crimes before the trial date. It is strongly recommended that you review the document thoroughly and contact the agency that sent it to you if you have any questions. Failure to honor a subpoena is a crime and may result in a fine and/or imprisonment. Upon arrival to the court, show your subpoena to the clerk at the window. She will show you what to sign so that you are paid.


  • Q – Where can I go shooting?
    • There are no public shooting ranges within the Town of Campton. Organizations such as the NRA, Gun Owners of NH, Pemi Fish and Game Club, etc. can offer places to shoot. Current NH law allows shooting on land you have permission to be on and it is not in a “compact” area of the town. Specifically, “compact area” is defined as:
      • Any nonresidential, commercial building, including, but not limited to, industrial, educational, or medical buildings, plus a perimeter 300 feet wide around all such buildings without permission of the owner.
      • Any park, playground, or other out door public gathering place designated by the legislative body of the city or town.
      • Any contiguous area containing 6 or more buildings which are used as either part-time or permanent dwellings and the spaces between them where each such building is within 300 feet of at least one of the others, plus a perimeter 300 feet wide around all the buildings in such area.

  • Q – What is the cell phone rule when driving?
    • As of July 1, 2015, it is illegal to use a hand held electronic device capable of providing voice or data communication while driving or temporarily halted in traffic for a stop sign or traffic signal or other momentary delays.  Teen drivers under the age of 18 cannot use any electronic device (handheld or not).  Emergency calls to 911 or other safety agencies are allowed.  The law is here: RSA 265:79-c

  • Q – What about using MP3 players?
    • Although there is no specific law that prohibits the use of MP3 players while driving, it is a dangerous driving behavior. A law entitled, Negligent Driving may be charged if such behavior is witnessed or found to be the contribution to a mishap or “close call”.

  • Q – I am moving. Is there something I need to do about my license?
    • Yes. If you are moving to another NH address, you must notify the DMV within 10 days of the move. Notification is made by sending in a form. The form will also take care of name change, title and registration, and other changes to the DMV information on file. If you have moved into NH from another state and have a valid driver’s license from that state, you have a maximum of sixty (60) days to acquire a NH driver’s license and NH registration.